Many have asked us what our next step was and how would we accomplish it. I get that. I want to bring you into our world once again (scary thought isn't it?).
Since we blogged in January (ref: "So, Now What" 1/2/2019), things have taken on a much different look. It was not planned, but appears to have all the markings of the right thing. As many of you know, we had planned to move to Tennessee and develop a high school/college/professional theater program. We believed our motives to be in the right place. At the last minute, things changed (again, please refer to "So, Now What?).
In January, we spent hours praying, talking as a family, and counseling with proven men and women who had a vested interest in what we are doing. Then in mid January, we had a moment of realization. We were looking at where we could go in order to accomplish our dreams rather than looking at where we were needed. That sounds like semantics, I know. We are a portable family...what we want to do could be accomplished in any number of places. But, we were challenged by dozens of folks in a two week period...who wanted to know why we had to leave. They wanted us to stay. They needed us to stay to impart to them the keys they needed to accomplish their dreams. We were humbled beyond measure. We listened. We are staying in Raleigh.
Here is what we concluded:
We were not wrong to plan a move to Tennessee (no ego in that statement). Many times, it is in the moving that God steers us. Had we not desired to move, we would not have seen the need to stay (reread that sentence, please). Lessons and "missing pieces" were accumulated on our journey westward. I was reminded of the Apostle Paul who journeyed on his way to Asia Minor only to be stopped by the the Lord and redirected to Rome. I can relate to the need in us to want a straight path. Though that may seem the best plan, God uses our momentum to redirect that path. Before long, the straight line has many twists and turns - all in order to take us to our destination while accumulating wisdom, experience, and a greater passion. For us, our straight line turned into a circle. We are not embarrassed or ashamed of this redirection. It was good and necessary. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Can I pause to share a thought? Many times, we believe there is only one way that God directs us. We live in constant fear of "getting it wrong." Living and operating in God's Kingdom is anything but predictable and safe. It's in simple believing and obedience to what you know, that God directs. Can I suggest that the more we are motivated by fear, the less likely our faith will factor into anything profitable. As a matter of fact, fear-based Christianity is not based in truth or grace. God is not confined to our boxes of theology!!!!!!!!! Going to Asia Minor was not the fastest way to Rome for Paul. But, God allowed it to be so. A brief lesson on Kingdom spontaneity.
We sold our home and moved to North Raleigh (just outside of Wake Forest). The Lord provided a brand new home in a brand new subdivision for us. It was way more that we expected.
The next step that the Board of Directors for Poiema Arts Conservatory has agreed on is the securing of land/property that would give us space to begin the school in a short period of time, while building a state-of-the-art proscenium theater. We are currently working with a commercial realty company as well as a design/build team. There is optimism and a freshness in the air.
We are looking forward to revealing details in the very near future. Many who are reading this today may find themselves joining us tomorrow. The vision is getting bigger and taking on many new facets. Please join us in praying "as in heaven, so on earth." Like no other time in history is the necessity for powerful, genuine arts infused with purpose by God. Taking this from a small idea to big a harvest will take many hands and hearts. Pray about your part in this journey in His greatness. Folks, this is about to get real fun!!!
